In Loving Memory
Our Founders

In 2020, two amazing young women would meet and find that they shared a dream and ambition. Both mothers of young children and both unfairly facing a diagnosis of stage 4 cancer, each were looking at ways to aid other parents who found themselves in a similar position to communicate with and support their children. Those women were our founders, Jennifer Pope and Nicola Owen and through their shared drive and determination, The Little C Club was born.
Jen, sadly passed away in April 2022 and it is with an incredibly heavy heart that I have to report that Nicola, my younger sister, followed in June of 2023.
As I sit here, typing this message, I find myself struggling to locate the words necessary to convey how amazing, and awe-inspiring it has been to watch the developing fruits of Nic & Jen's amazing friendship and hard-work. Both were incredibly special people and the world is so much poorer for their departure.
As myself and our respective families do what we can to move forward without them, we would like to thank all those involved in supporting The Little C Club, customers, partners, suppliers and those in the media who helped bring their incredible work to the attention of those who could benefit. Thank you so much.
In the coming months and years, we will be working together to formulate a plan to ensure continuity of the resources that Nic & Jen worked so hard to create. Their story is very much not complete.
The very best regards from a proud big brother to Nicola and proud friend of Jen.
Wes Hall